I am by nature more a morning person. I enjoy getting my workouts in before I start my day. I like the solitude of clearing my head before the day starts.
I used to be able to do that which was fantastic but when I started my current position my hours changed a bit and it was really practical to wake up so early...plus I was really feeling it around 2 or 3 PM when I swear if I put my head on my desk I was just fall right to sleep.
I have been in my position just over a year now so I am thinking I am going to push my start time back a bit so that I can run four days in the AM and do boot camp. That also means my runs will go from road runs to treadmill runs since Alice has an abundance of stray animals that I do not want to be chased by. Plus I heard that there is a coyote that likes to go to he park early in the morning so I think avoiding the park while it is dark is a good idea! The heat and humidity are making my afternoon runs and workouts right now something that I just do not look forward to and they are much harder. Lucky for me where I work I am not required to be in business casual therefore pulled back hair and no make up are ok! Bonus! And a total time saver.
With my training really kicking into high gear come July I really want to make sure I am able to get it in all my mileage and cross training. What do you enjoy....mornings or afternoons? Why?
Now we don't have kids yet so I am sure all this will change when that happens!
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