Thursday, August 28, 2014

(Wo)Man Down!

Well even though my doctor appointment on Monday morning went what I would consider well, my body has been telling me otherwise. I rested up again on Monday but this week started my Alice Women's Kickball League that my friend Inez pulled me onto. We have games three days a week and practice in between. I didn't make practice last week because I didn't feel well and fell asleep at 7 PM. So the game last night was my first time playing kickball in years. 

All day Tuesday it seemed as though my hip flexer had been acting up. I am not sure if it was from sitting in my truck for the quick trip to Houston over the weekend coupled with the trip to Corpus on Monday for my doctor appointment but my hip has been killing me. And playing kickball last night didn't help.

Soooooooo I think I am going to take a break from running this week and rest up. Gonna try to get in four or five miles on Saturday with the girls.

The Mr comes home after a three week hitch so a little R & R and live country music will be in order anyway! Our favorite go to place is always Brewster Street Ice House.....and with The Departed playing tonight and Dirty River Boys playing Sunday I would say we are going to have an awesome weekend!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday Morning Dr Appointment

So since I started running more regularly about a year ago I haven't had very many injuries. I was able to ward off a stress fracture on the outside of my left foot by laying low on running and wearing a big black boot for about three weeks. I also got new shoes so I am sure that helped.

Lately, however, my right shin has been killing me. I began wearing a calf compression sleeve about a month or so ago which was helping but the pain is still there. I researched which sleeves to buy and in the process realized they are quite expensive. So I settled on buying one from my local Academy before I spent $45+ on one. (Plus I hadn't really received any first hand recommendations for one)

Hence why I spent the morning at the South Texas Bone & Joint clinic in Corpus Christi.They took two x-rays of my right tibia which confirmed I do not have any stress fractures (thank goodness). The doctor said it isn't shin splints because of the location of my pain. He actually couldn't really tell me what was wrong. But I will take no news as good news at this point. His remedy is to take an anti inflammatory daily and if it is still bothering me in a month or so to come back.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Training this week

Monday turned into rest day. I am not gonna lie it was nice to sit on the couch with the pups after the busy weekend I had and work.

Tuesday I decided to try a speed workout after reading The Hungry Runner Girl post up her speed workout for the week. I wasn't able to do as many intervals as her but I did do a 1 mile warm up 4 x .25 (7.5 MPH) & .25 (5.5 MPH) and a half mile cool down. I will say it was way more fun than just running 3 or 4 miles on a hill setting. Then I hopped on the elliptical for 15 minutes before stretching and rolling out my legs. I am going to try to keep this up at least once a week and hopefully I will be able to do more intervals and at a faster pace.

Alice Boot Camp is conducted three days a week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) in the AM and PM. I cannot make the AM sessions because I would be super late to work but I usually go in the afternoons. Friday, since it is a rare weekend I am not leaving town (until Saturday actually), I was able to make the 6 PM class then head home with enough daylight to mow the yard since the Fiance is still on hitch for another week.

Last but not least a Saturday morning run since I was actually home! I was aiming for four miles but I ran into some friends at the park and ended up doing just over 6 and PR'd a 10K! I was super proud of myself for that one considering it wasn't even a race. 

Now off to Houston for a wedding!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Landa Park

This is only a small part of Landa Park in New Braunfels, Texas.
My parents live on the edge of the park/river so I spend some mornings here
running when I am visiting. It is so peaceful. A full lap around the path is one
mile so it is pretty easy to get a few miles in while enjoying the views. 

We feed the ducks daily. They will even come up and eat out of your hand.
I actually got chased by a squirrel that morning who thought I had food for him!
There are deer all over New Braunfels....seriously I mean almost everywhere you
go you have to watch out for the deer so you don't hit one!

My parents live just down the canal to the right. 

With the South Texas humidity and heat you have to run early! But being close to the hill country
and under all the trees it was a very nice, breezy 5K!

And my little one....This is Bailey. Her back went out on her in February. I chose not to do
the surgery and instead do everything else I could to help her. We started not walking at all,
to using a cart, to now using a back brace. She has some fight and desperately loves to play
with her brothers. But because of her handicap she usually stays close to me or with my
mother in law. 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Training this week

Sunday is usually my day for meal prep. At work we have 10 AM break and 3 PM break
so I usually pack a snack pack and my lunch.
 This week was a pretty good week for doing more of my runs & workouts outside in the South Texas 95+ degree heat and humidity. 

Found this app through reading blogs. It is sponsored or created by The Weather
Channel and I think it is pretty dang cool. 

The small town I live in hosts a bootcamp three days a week in the mornings and in the afternoons. I didn't go once it turned into Hades here in South Texas but I have recently picked it back to start getting acclimated to the heat/humidity again. Plus our instructor is former military and I do like the workouts. I leave a hot sweaty mess!

Monday's 6 PM session. That board is what Garza puts our workouts on.

Monday and Wednesday was bootcamp with Inez. Just over 2 miles in mileage mixed in with our workout. Garza likes to use kettle bells, along with lots of squats, jumping jacks, tire flips, mountain climbers, and ab work.

Wednesday's aftermath while stretching

Tuesday Inez and I went to the gym. I got roughly 2.5 miles before we did our CrossFit WOD in the back garage of the 24 hour gym we are members of. 

LOVE my second pair of Fabletics capris. I am so glad I found the website because they
are seriously my new fave pants!
Tonight won't be any running as we have family dinner for a birthday and tomorrow I am leaving work early to drive north to New Braunfels for wedding stuff in San Antonio this weekend. Mom and dad live at the edge of Landa Park so I am going to take advantage of that for an early morning run on Saturday before dress alterations and my bridal shower. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

Gusto Race Series 8K

So my training for this race fell off the map bad the week before the race. My parents were in town the weekend before and my mom stayed the week to help with more DIY wedding projects. Since I still have to work full time during the day that left the few afternoon/nighttime hours to take care of everything I had on my list to do with her. Check out the Instagram to see what we accomplished.

So after work Friday, mom and I drove back to New Braunfels. Since the race is only about 30 minutes from her place, I stayed with them that night.

I am in the blue stripped shirt with my black head wrap and as always Costas!

12th Place in my category (30 - 39)
30th Place overall female
46th Place overall participants
I was/am so proud of myself for this run! My first two miles I was averaging around 9:30 but the hills in the beautiful course kicked my butt! And since my mom was in town all last week I didn't get a run in - wedding stuff took over!
They haven't posted race photos yet so I will add those later. I am definatley going to do all five of these races next year! 

Have you ever participated in a race series? If so, which one and what was your goal?

Saturday, August 9, 2014

My Must Have Gear Lately

I am by no means an expert or seasoned runner but I do have somethings that I just can't seem to live without when it comes to my runs. I am always on a budget so I don't have the latest and greatest things money can buy however I have made due with what I can afford.

1. iPhone & Nike GPS Running App - I have been using this app for a few years now and so far, for me, it seems to work the best when it comes to tracking my runs and coaching. Ideally it would be great to run without the cords of my earphones so I am keeping my fingers crossed maybe I can get a pretty cool set of bluetooth earbuds for Christmas or my birthday!

2. Right before my Beach to Bay 2014 run I had to get new running shoes. I was battling a potential stress fracture and the Nikes I was running in just didn't provide the correct support for my foot. So I headed to the Fleet Feet Sports in Corpus Christi and got fitted for my first pair of Asics Gel Cumulous and I must say, so far they are doing well for me. I only wear them when I run or when I am working out (usually after my run) so that I don't wear them wrong from walking.

3. If you haven't seen or heard about Fabletics yet, mostly on Facebook, then you should definatley check them out. I got my first outfit for $29 I think and I absolutley love the leggings that I got. They stay in place, they aren't too thin (so your butt doesn't show through), and they look pretty dang cool! By far my fave pair to date!

4. I recently started wearing a calf sleeve on my right leg. So far it seems to be helping and it is something I cannot really run without right now. I am not sure if it is all the treadmill work I am doing right now (since it is usually around 100 degrees when I am able to run during the week) or the increase in mileage but I picked mine up at Academy for $10 or $15. I wanted to see if it would help before I ordered a more expensive one online.

5. A mainstay on this list will always be my Costa Sunglasses! There is only one place in Corpus Christi you can get prescription Costa Sunglasses and I wear mine all the time - running, fishing, driving, at the name it!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Gusto Race Series 10K

There is a first time for everything that this was it! My very first solo registered 10K! I have relayed the Harbor Half previously which is 13.1 split into two so I ran roughly 6 or so miles then but I was not as conditioned or prepared as I was for this one. 

You can see me in the black and white printed pants, pink'ish top and my Costa glasses behind the guy in the blue shirt. I happened to stumble upon this race series while scoping the Internet like always. I got lucky and it takes place in my hometown of San Antonio, which is only two hours away from where I currently live. Since it is a marathon training series put on by a local group in San Antonio there wasn't any photogs but some managed to get me coming from the starting line which was cool.

I really like this series and I am going to try to make all five races next year. I couldn't do it this year because of my bachellorette party in New Orleans and then because of the wedding. But this race was a challenge. Once I hit the 5th mile it got tough for me. I didn't walk until then. I had a goal to finish in 70 minutes or under and I made it with 1:09:25 per the official race chip results.

My finisher photo!!


That was all I cared about it! I had fun too. But once it was over it was then another race to get back to Alice to shower, change, and leave again for a baby shower I was co-hosting and then a bridal shower for my fiance's cousin's new bride. Needless to say it was a long day and my two hour long nap i had after it was all over felt AHHHHH-Mazing!

What has been your most challenging race to date?

What is one city that you would absolutley love to visit? Why?

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

August Alice Community 5K

So my morning started out a little something like this

It wasn't raining when I left my house which is only maybe three minutes away. This meant that running outside was not going to happen so off to the gym I went.

Sporting my Fabletics pants!

My parents were in town (and my mom has been here all week) so afterwards we all went into Corpus to enjoy the day! 

Met up with my friend Kelly at Fajitaville for snacks and drinks of course!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

4 on the 4th

So 4th of July is Dave'e favorite holiday! But before all the BBQ, pool time, and yummy snacks I wanted to get in some mileage with the Corpus Christi RoadRunners. These leggings are actually my second pair I had bought for this race. The first were just WAY too thin. I didn't want to scare the people behind me! 

That bridge is the Harbor Bridge that connects Corpus Christi to Portland, Aransas Pass, Rocport/Fulton and all the little burbs on that side of the bay. Within the last two years I believe someone donated the money to have lights put on the bridge so at night it is pretty neat. The Whataburger Field where the Corpus Christi Hooks play is just below this so going to the games is always fun! Especially on Friday night fireworks nights!

Our route was along Shoreline which mean we got a great view of the ocean while running. That route is fairly common for runs in Corpus Christi but I never get tired of the view. This was one of the first runs I had done with just the CCRR crew and let me tell you, they haul buns!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Alice First Saturday 5K

More of the girls from my old CrossFit gym in Ben Bolt. It was the first 5k for Danielle & Rochelle and they did awesome!

And if you are wondering why we are all wearing the same shirt....they were free if we wore them for the race. Anything for a free work out shirt right?

Friday, August 1, 2014

Havok 5K Obstacle Run

I realized with this photo that the shirt is funny however I take terrible race photos and I need a tan!

And another priceless face!

Climbing over these things is much harder than it looks....expescially when you have to do it twice!
This obstacle run took place close to home which is why I sweet talked Becky and Fel into doing it with me! But it was no where near as fun as Gritty Goddess or even half the other races I have done. Other than the funny pictures and the fact that I don't plan on doing this run again next year....there really wasn't anything eventful......boring I know. 

What is your favorite obstacle race?

All time favorite running shirt and why?