Monday, September 29, 2014

Juice Detox Time!

So I have always tried to do my own juice detox. I would research different recipes and then throw them into my juicer. Sometimes the recipes I put together were not that great and I wouldn't finish out the program that I had started for myself because I was just miserable. Yall have seen how lately I have been doing blends for my snacks throughout the week which has been helping prep me for this. I finally bit the bullet and purchased from a juice bar in San Antonio a 5 day detox program.

The menu card for Juicer Heroes in San Antonio
So if I lived closer they were going to make my first three days of juice and then I could come back and get the remaining two. They do this so you are getting the freshest possible juice from the fruits and veggies. Unfortunately since I live in a small town I cannot do that so Saturday in the rain I loaded up a box full of my juices and five bottles of Alkaline water and went along my merry way!

My favorite part about this particular juice bar is they still use glass bottle for the juices which means I can reuse them for my home recipes! I am very excited about this!!

To help me remember when I need to drink my juice and water I have set up reminders in my phone to go off seriously like every hour almost! 

Breakfast - Top of the Morning......Orange, Apple, Grapefruit, Carrot, Pineapple
Break time at work calls for Great Green.....Spinach, Cucumber, Apple, Ginger however
since I am allergic to gourds they substituted the cucumber for celery!

You can bet I will be letting yall know how everything goes. Since my days during the week are so routine I am doing this detox starting today and ending Friday which will lead my right into my second Whole30 to help prep me for the wedding.

Last week

So I got back into boot camp last Monday only to find out our instructor would be leaving Friday to start his new job in the oilfield today. Gotta love living in the heart of the Eagle Ford Shale!

Needless to say the combination of me not doing bootcamp for three weeks or so and the fact he was determined he would go out with a bang....I was so sore! 

Tuesday I went to the gym and got in 2.5 miles on the elliptical and 2 miles on the treadmill before I headed over to kickball only so find out the game was canceled because not enough -people were going to show up to play! Blah!! But at least I had enough sense so get in some cardio before hand.

My Wednesdays and Thursdays from now until Thanksgiving will be spent in small group (my Wednesdays for almost two years now) and at church for the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace class (which I am leading) so those are going to be my new rest days.

You can find our class every Thursday at 6:30 at Cross Trails Cowboy Church
 The weekend was spent doing more wedding stuff....dress fitting, picking up some little things and pictures in Gruene!

A little behind the scenes action from our friend Kendra who is our photograpgher

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Hitting the ground running

After what seems to have been almost a month out of the gym...between injury, wedding craziness, work, hunting season (special white wing and then regular dove season) and personal/family stuff, I unfortunately put running and working out on the back burner. I have a tendency to do that because I feel selfish when I take that hour or two to myself when I know there are so many other things I could be doing to help out or contribute.

I am officially 46 days out from the wedding so it is time to kick this thing into high gear!

The Plan::

Dietary - Dave and I complete a Whole30 back in January and we really enjoyed it. It made us look at our food very differently. So we are going to do our second round starting October 1 (the full month before the wedding). I am actually going to be finishing a juice cleanse the first two days but I don't think that is a big deal. I found a juice bar close to my mom and dad's that provides 5 day plans so I am looking forward to actually trying something other than what I make at the house.

Monday's and kale-apple-kiwi.
Never-mind the picture of the deer in the background...LOL I am counting down the days until deer season which happens to be the weekend before we are getting married!
Since my last post I have been using my new blender to make my blends! And I must say I do think that is a better way to go than juicing on a consistent basis. I seem to feel full longer and I do get all the vitamins/nutrients from the fruits/veggies that I use. I store mine in mason jars which makes for easy measuring, transportation to/from work, and cleaning. Monday's recipes were orange-carrott-apple-mango and kale-apple-kiwi.

Fitness/Exercise - it will be back in the gym atleast 4 days a week, running and completing toning workouts. If the bootcamp that takes place at our local park is still going on I will be there two days a week.

Yesterday's afternoon workout consisted of.......

A little sore today but it feels good.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Juicing + Smoothie = Joocie in my book!

When Dave is gone on hitch (usually a week at a time) I have a tendency to eat better than when he is home. Mainly because I only have to worry about me and I don't mind meal prepping and eating the same thing 2 or 3 three times. With that being said I am 60'ish days out from our wedding and I am going to adopt Joe the Juicer's Reboot Juice plan but with one meal a day.

I have tried his juicing plans before but never lasted as long as most people because I truly love to eat. Because of that I think I set myself up for failure. Plus with being an athlete/active person, there are just certain things my body needs to function.

The last round of juicing that I did I had a few people chat with me about juicing vs smoothies. I learned that juicing is great however in doing so there is great loss in the vitamins and nutrients because all you are getting is the juice - not the fruit/vegetable itself. If I had a better juicer I could add all the pulp back into my juice but I think for this first week 

A few articles I found to help better explain the difference:

I am going to take the juice recipes that Joe provides and instead of juicing everything, I am going to try throwing it all into my brand new blender so that I can get all of the vitamins and nutrients from the ingredients. 

I also did find smoothie recipes on his website and I am going to throw those in the mix as well.

So my actual plan.......Breakfast will be a smoothie, 10 AM & 3 PM snack will be juice or smoothie, lunch will be a protein shake and dinner will consist of a lean protein, vegetable and a small amount of starch/carb.
I am hoping this well help me slim down a bit before the wedding.

Random side note - I was surfing the internet and read an article about how you can train your body to crave healthy foods versus the bad/fast foods that most adults in the US usually eat. I know that when I am really 100% watching what I am eating I do start to notice that I prefer healthier foods over maybe a breakfast taco! So fingers crossed this helps me navigate through the holidays without craving all the foods that taste so good but aren't the best for me!