Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Monday Miles

My never miss a Monday mantra didn't hold up last week as I was coming back from Fredericksburg but I stuck to it yesterday! And as I am getting dressed, Woodrow can't help but think he gets to go too. It is what I get for taking him out last week. 

I think I am going to keep up my Monday miles with him. I don't like to do a long run on Monday's because I usually do HIIT and spin. He keeps me at a pretty good pace and is getting better at running next to me. I am hoping the more I take him out, the more he will get used to the routes and smells....not sure I can take having my arm almost jerked out of socket because he wants to smell the stop sign! Just to give you an idea....Woodrow is around 4 years old (he is originally my husband's dog but I swear he love me more) and weighs almost 100 lbs!

HIIT last night was a little different. Evy decided to incorporate more moves from her martial arts playbook. It was fun, different, and make me miss when I used to do kickboxing back in San Antonio years ago. 

Update on my shins: I pretty much have to be taped and wear my sleeves if I am going to run. I went back to running in my Asics but Tom gave me inserts to help with arch support. I bought two Dr. Cool wraps for my calves and icing helps a bunch. I am not really sure why over the last three months my shins decided to start acting crazy. If this really continues through the spring I am going to have a gait analysis done to see what else I need to be doing to keep from being in such pain after my runs. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

Disruption at it's finest

This week has been a pill! Every day has been a chore....full of stresses and 
things out of my control. 
Tuesday I decided to run it out with my largest furkid. 

Meet Captain Woodrow F Call.....our 4'ish old yellow lab who is my BFF and protector when my husband is away on hitch. I think I may actually start running with him atleast once a week. His trot was pretty well in pace with my slow run. It works out well...we both get in some miles. 

I made it to spin afterwards too which was a struggle since I decided to eat dinner before hand. 
Note to self - that will never happen again! I think it will be shakes on spin night from here on out. 

Dave got home from Louisiana in the middle of the night Wednesday night. When he comes home my usual schedule goes out the window. I wish I could say I stuck to my hoped for training plan this week but that isn't the case. At some point you have to weight your potions...spending time with my husband who has been gone pretty much for almost three weeks or spending my only free time at the gym - I didn't choose the gym.  

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

2 PR's Saturday

Friday night run didn't go according to plan. 
Really wanted to get in four miles but my shins weren't having it.

I slept taped up and with my compression sleeves on Friday night so I could get through my Saturday morning community 5K. And to my surprise I actually had two PR's!
 Fastest 1 mile - 9:13
Fastest 5K - 29:03

Our community 5K is held the first Saturday of the month. They have been going on now for around 2 years or so. This time we had a bunch of kids....I think they started a running club at one of the local elementary schools. 

I made sure I had my Dr. Cool Wraps ready for me when I got home. And I must say they are awesome and totally help. I am so glad Evy told me about them. 

My friend Val had sent this to me and asked if I wanted to be her date so we could save $5. Yoga isn't so much my thing even though I know it is good for runners but craft beer is right up my alley! It was actually a good class and I enjoyed the company. 

Spent the evening chatting with a friend sharing some Texas Red watching the sunset on North Beach. Her boyfriend and my husband both work in the oilfield for the same company so when they are gone we usually get to catch up with life. 

Dave and I are members to two wineries in Fredericksburg and Sunday they both had their pick up parties. What better way to spend my Sunday afternoon than with my friend, my parents, and some good wine?

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Selfie stick problems

Selfie Stick Take 1

Selfie Stick Take 5

Selfie Stick Take 7....I think
 I got a selfie stick for my birthday and finally decided to try to use it. It was pretty comedic. If anyone has any tips/tricks please let me know! I was heading out for 4 miles Monday when I decided to try to use it. I did 1 mile warm up, 3 x .25 sprint then .25 walk, then finished out the rest of my run through the neighborhood back home. 

HIIT was before spin so I did that and completed day 2 of my Plank Challenge for Feb! 

I am pretty sure if  Sara had an IG she might be cranky about the sneaky pics I take of us in spin and post!

Lunch while at work.....cheap, easy, healthy!

Tuesdays mean Core class after my run and before spin!

Still smiling! Tuesday was day 3 of my plank challenge
but by now my shins were killing me!
DINNER!!!! Thrown together leftovers included cubed sauteed chicken then I added pasta salad
from Sunday and broccolli salad

OK so let me explain........I originally posted this on my IG account Tuesday night 
In need of tips/tricks/suggestions/advice....whatever you think will help. I have been getting shin
splints on the interior of my legs. I've had X-rays done to see if it may have been a stress 
fractures and it's not. I just got new shoes - New Balances and I am a neutral heel striker. I 
don't have any runner friends in the small town I live in to pick their brains hence taking to 
IG for help. I follow/learn from y'all and would love if you could help me!
So the picture (excuse my non-socked feet) - my instructor from the gym taped me 
up tonight. I had YouTubed instructions and she did it similar to what I saw. Is it correct 
for runners? She taped me more on the inside since that's where my pain is.

OK so since then I have received some awesome feedback on my IG account. I purchased some 
KT tape, two Dr. Cool wraps for icing, and I am going to look into the six foot drills on YouTube. 
If there anything else that I am missing please pipe up and tell me!

RANDOM FACT - so my office is at the top of these stairs to the left.
I must go up and down these stairs at least 5 to 7 times a day!
Wednesday was a rest day for me this week. Had to go get dog food from the feed store instead of running before church small group. The dogs have to eat too right?

If you are doing the plank challenge with me this month....how is it coming?