Thursday, May 21, 2015

Goal Races for the Year

Once I make it public there is no going back right?

So here it goes.....The plan for the rest of the year!

August 15 is the 15K trail run in Corpus Christi at the Oso Creek Park. Dash 4 Cash will be my first trail run and longest non road run. So far it seems we will have a pretty good group getting together to run this one so having the encouragement should make it much easier. I ran Warrior Dash over a year ago solo; I finished but it would have been way more fun with friends. 

September is the Spa Girl Tri at the Lost Pines JW Marriott. So far we have a group of ten girls who are starting to train for this one. it is a 300 meter swim through the lazy river, 2 mile run, and 10 mile bike ride. I was a varsity swimmer until senior year of high school so the swim doesn't freak me out aw much as the 10 mile bike ride! Thank goodness a friend of mine Melissa who I swam with as a kid, her family owns a bike shop! Britton's Bikes in San Antonio is the place to go if you need anything for road cycling. 

July actually starts the official training plan for my goal of running (maybe a little walking) my first 1/2 marathon in December. Carrera Races hosts a training series for the Rock N Roll in December so I figured that would be a good long training plan with help along the way. The Gusto Series is 5 races held on a Sunday July through November, gearing you up for the 1/2 or the full. I plan on registering for the 5K, 8K, 10K, 12K, and then 10 miler. Three weeks later is the 1/2.  

This is going to make me mentally tough if I plan on completing everything as planned. I have been logging everything in my running journal and setting out my plans on a calendar. I am looking forward to the challenge and becoming a better run on the flip side.

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