Friday, August 7, 2015

My brain on overload and Georgetown + Plano this weekend

 Wednesday on my lunch time I spent it scarfing my Italian Chopped salad bistro bowl and looking at the park map for Berry Springs in Georgetown for my run tomorrow morning. The plan is to do the Muy Grande loop three times for a total of 4.5 miles. I have never been to this park/preserve but from what I scoped out on the internet it is beautiful! I am headed up to Georgetown tonight and then leaving with my parents to Plano/Frisco tomorrow morning for a good friend's wedding. I am super excited about it even though its over 6 hours away!

Random but I was cruising through Pinterest (like always) and saw this amazing retro stove/oven. Dave and I are eventually going to build a house and this would just be so cool in our farmhouse kitchen. We both love to cook so we know whatever stove we get is going to have to be epic! What do yall think?

Thursday morning's run was hills and supposed to be all on the treadmill but I had a lot on my mind so staying put on the treadmill for almost an hour was just not going to cut it. I did 20 minutes of hills on the treadmill and 15 minutes of hills on the elliptical and then finished off with abs. Wasn't really the plan but sometimes things change. I needed to keep my brain thinking about my workout instead of wondering to what the rest of the day would bring. 

And then there was this!!

A girl posted a product review in the national Run JunkEes facebook group and I just had to have it for my upcoming trail run! They are actually having a sale right now so I was able to pick mine up with shipping for $13! I seriously think this might be my new go to race bra!

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