Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Landa Park

This is only a small part of Landa Park in New Braunfels, Texas.
My parents live on the edge of the park/river so I spend some mornings here
running when I am visiting. It is so peaceful. A full lap around the path is one
mile so it is pretty easy to get a few miles in while enjoying the views. 

We feed the ducks daily. They will even come up and eat out of your hand.
I actually got chased by a squirrel that morning who thought I had food for him!
There are deer all over New Braunfels....seriously I mean almost everywhere you
go you have to watch out for the deer so you don't hit one!

My parents live just down the canal to the right. 

With the South Texas humidity and heat you have to run early! But being close to the hill country
and under all the trees it was a very nice, breezy 5K!

And my little one....This is Bailey. Her back went out on her in February. I chose not to do
the surgery and instead do everything else I could to help her. We started not walking at all,
to using a cart, to now using a back brace. She has some fight and desperately loves to play
with her brothers. But because of her handicap she usually stays close to me or with my
mother in law. 

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