So since I started running more regularly about a year ago I haven't had very many injuries. I was able to ward off a stress fracture on the outside of my left foot by laying low on running and wearing a big black boot for about three weeks. I also got new shoes so I am sure that helped.
Lately, however, my right shin has been killing me. I began wearing a calf compression sleeve about a month or so ago which was helping but the pain is still there. I researched which sleeves to buy and in the process realized they are quite expensive. So I settled on buying one from my local Academy before I spent $45+ on one. (Plus I hadn't really received any first hand recommendations for one)
Hence why I spent the morning at the South Texas Bone & Joint clinic in Corpus Christi.They took two x-rays of my right tibia which confirmed I do not have any stress fractures (thank goodness). The doctor said it isn't shin splints because of the location of my pain. He actually couldn't really tell me what was wrong. But I will take no news as good news at this point. His remedy is to take an anti inflammatory daily and if it is still bothering me in a month or so to come back.
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