Friday, July 17, 2015


The electricity was out at my house yesterday morning for 2 1/2 hours so I wasn't sure if the gym had power which means I didn't make my morning run. I told myself I would run after work but by then I am worn out, hot, and my husband came back home from the yard so it turned into an "oh well" kind of day. 

Kicked off my Friday with a 4 miler of hills on the treadmill....level 4 to be precise! It felt good but I definitely had to talk myself into finishing. I am having a hard time adjusting my body to 4 miles consistently which means next week will be another minimum 4 mile week as well. I am hoping to get up to 6 before the trail run but not sure if I can handle it in a short amount of time. T-minus 4 weeks. 

Sweaty Gym Selfie
I am ready to be out of work all ready and on the road north to Georgetown to spend the weekend with my parents. The only perk of them living in Georgetown (because it is so much farther from me now) is that Grape Creek Winery has a satellite location on the square! SCORE! I always stop by and pick up a bottle or two and this Saturday they will have live music and cajun food tasting so you know where I will be. 

I did find out that there is a monthly 5K run that takes place only a few miles from their place so I am going to check it out tomorrow morning. I am looking forward to new scenery and running with people instead of solo. 

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