Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Hump Day

Wednesday is normally a rest day for me but the husband was home Tuesday and leaves today for hitch so I switched things around a bit to be able to help clean house and cook dinner with him once I got home from work. Whenever he is home my schedule does suffer a bit because my time with him is limited. I truly do need to get better at making sure my runs are when he is sleeping then I won't feel so guilty. 

Wednesday I was able to tackle a 5k with negative splits. 10:00, then 9:49 then 9:40 and finished out the rest at 10:20. My run felt good despite how tired I have been this week. Rounded out the morning with an ab series and rolling out my calves to help avoid the shin splints. 

I have been drinking green smoothies all week so I actually made breakfast! Farm fresh eggs (yes with cheese), bacon from the meat market (so it doesn't have all the crap in it), my garden fresh tomatoes, half an avocado, strawberries, and my homemade mango salsa! Yum!

I would like to get in another 10 to 15 more miles before the month is over which would make for the most miles I have run in a month for the year! I am about 6 weeks out from the 15K trail race that my running buddy Becky talked me into so I know I need to kick up the mileage a bit and add more runs outside into the mix. It you aren't familiar with the South Texas weather, when I leave the house at 5:30 to head to the gym it is all ready close to 80 degrees. With the all the rain we have had the humidity is well over 70% as well. 

But as they say, tough runs don't last, tough runners do!

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