Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Whole30 Day 6...and an update on spin!

The beauty of living less that three miles from where I work is I can come home and cook my own meals whenever I want. It truly is one of the best things about living in a small town. Staying on track in much easier because I have all my resources so close. 

Lunch yesterday was sauteed spinach mix from HEB, pan grilled chicken, a microwaved "baked" sweet potato, avocado, and cherry toms. I am not a tomato fan in the sense of the big ones. Other than cherry toms I will only buy roma tomatoes when I am going to make my own pico de gallo. It always cracks me up when you saute fresh spinach greens because you literally have to overflow the pan or add handfuls as it cooks down because what you start with never seems like what you end up with!

So looking at the schedule at the gym and with my church commitments after work throughout the week I will only be able to make spin on Monday and Tuesday nights. That's not bad. Before class I got in a short "speed" run.

.75 @ 6.0 then .25 @ 4
.75 @6.2 then .25 @ 4
.75 @ 6.4 then .25 @ 4
Cool down
total 3.25 miles all while on the random hill circuit setting on the treadmill

Still had on my calf sleeves from running
Since it is after the new year and everyone seems to want to start their resolutions the gym has been beyond packed! Our small gym only has 13 spin bikes so it has been interesting watching the girls nicely fight over the reservations list. 

Once I got home I was starving! So in between making my dinner of a pan grilled hamburger patty with bed of bacon, sauteed Brussels sprouts, and cherry toms, I braised a wild pork shoulder roast that Dave got recently from a hunt and threw it in my slow cooker. I set it slow cook over night and when I checked it this morning it looked amazing! I still have it in there on low for the next five hours so it should be super tender when I go home for lunch.

Tonight calls for a short 2 mile hill circuit before I go to my church small group to start our new devotional. 

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