Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Hump day and how my week has been so far....

So if you haven't figured out, I usually don't blog everyday. I really don't have time. I work full time, work out, and I have activities with my church my family. When I do have free time, I catch up on my DVR and try to spend as much time with our three fur babies as I can. This week I have done fairly well with keeping up with meals and such....

I love coming home at lunch when I know I have goodies on the way! Another new Fabletics outfit
and my first box of RxBars. They are good but a little too much chocolate for me.
These would be great if you are a chocolate person on a Whole30 or paleo.

Lunch Sunday was chicken tenders wrapped in bacon dipped in Tessamae's Honey Mustard sauce
with sauteed greens!
Dinner Sunday night was baked salmon, sauteed brussel sprouts, potato hash, and avocado slices.
After church I was on a seafood kick so I picked up quite a bit of it. 
Monday I ate leftover slow cooked pork. I was finally able to finish it. That one small shoulder made so many meals. 

Monday night Sara and I made HIIT class and spin. I didn't run because it gets to be too much some nights but class was awesome. I feel like I am getting the hang of spin and I hope to start seeing the effects of taking the class in my running.

The last of the salmon for lunch on Tuesday.
I have been using blackening season lately which has been a change to just salt and pepper for me.
 Tough it up Tuesday you could say! I ran 3.5 miles increasing speed every half mile, took the CoreFit class, and did spin. My run felt great! Core class was a little weird....the instructor didn't do the usual core workouts I was used to doing. And it was Calvin Harris night last night at spin and the routine can be brutal. Once I am able to keep up with her 100% I know that set will really kick my butt!

3.5 Miles increasing speed every half mile.
Made my run go by fairly fast it seems. 

Core class. Surprisingly I am feeling it this morning. 

Last but not least - SPIN!
Love Sara's face in this picture :P
After class I started feeling like I was catching whatever crud is going around. I still don't feel that great. I am downing Emergen-C, added Vapor Steam to my humidifier, and using some essential oils which will hopefully help. I don't do sick well at all. 

I have a week and half until my next 10K and it is mostly bean running. Not sure what I was thinking when I signed up for this one because I am pretty sure it is going to TRY to kill me but it will be an awesome challenge. I am not expecting to PR, I am really just looking forward to the challenge. 

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